
One on One Training

Get a personalized training experience tailored just for you. With 1:1 coaching, you’ll get my expert guidance, accountability, and support designed to keep you motivated and progressing safely. Together, we’ll make sure every movement counts toward your long-term goals!


Programs are designed in 6 week training blocks. Each client gets a plan that’s personalized and focused on what works best for them & their goals. We tweak things based on progress and feedback, so the program is as effective and rewarding as possible.

Small Group Training

Join a supportive small group (2-6 people) with others who share similar goals and experiences! Enjoy the community, accountability, and expert guidance that keep you motivated and progressing together!

Small Groups Available:

-Peri/post-menopausal Strength Class

-Aging Adults Strength and Mobility Class

-Postpartum Core and Strength Classes

-Intermediate/Advanced Strength Classes

Claim your free consultation